Kevin Durant Thinks Chris Bosh Is Fake

Kevin Durant is known to be one of the nice guys in the NBA; a quiet guy who never down talks his fellow associates. But, that sure did change after the Thunder vs Heat game on January 30; which resulted in a 108-103 score in the Heat’s favor.

“I was talking to my teammate and [Bosh] decided he wanted to put his two cents into it. I am quiet guy, laid back guy, but I’m not going to let nobody talk trash to me. He’s on a good team now so he thinks he can talk a little bit. There are a lot of fake tough guys in this league and he’s one of them.”

“I’m no punk. I wasn’t even talking to him first off. He decided to butt in and I’m not going to just let that slide. Especially in our house. Like I said, he’s not one of those guys I look at and say he has a rap for talking back to guys or getting into it. He’s a nice guy. I’m not going to let that type of person say something to me like that.”

Maybe Durant has a point. Wasn’t Bosh posting Youtube videos showing his comedic side not too long ago? *SuDiddy Shrug*
Way to stand up for yourself Durant!

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